Kyra Bobinet MD-MPH

Only Ever Two Choices: Iterate or Fail

At exactly this time last year, I found my new, new thing—gut cleanses! For three whole weeks, I drank the chemically, chocolate paste-like protein shakes. I took two rounds of the horse pill-sized supplements and probiotics daily. I ate from a highly restricted list of anti-inflammatory foods devoid of sugar, simple carbs, soy, corn—even alcohol! […]

A Simple 2016

Slow and simple—that’s the design—and the medicine for what ails us.

How can we design for slow? Is it waking up slowly without checking our phones like my colleague David Ngo does? Is it taking up mindful eating—with gratitude for our food and contemplation of the sacrifice it took from humans, animals, and plants so that we can be nourished and live? Is it practicing mindfulness meditation, yin yoga, or tai chi? Is it reading from a sacred text or our favorite book?